Students’ leadership is yet another area of fancy in Saint John Paul II College (SJPIIC), Uyo as students were elected into various leadership positions to man and assist in the affairs of governance.

The Ebu/Udoudo led administration pokes another spice in the awakening of the leadership consciousness amongst students. The eleven credible students that were sworn- into various offices of the students body include:
Andre Ebu – Head Boy
Happiness Udoudo – Head Girl
Joseph Joseph – Day Students Prefect
Daniel Asuquo – Sport Prefect (Boy)
Matilda Nsini – Sports Prefect (Girl)
Samuel Isangedighi – Social Prefect (Boy)
Utibeabasi Inyang -Social Prefect (Girl)
Joshua Essienette – Dining Prefect,
Anastasia Ikafia – Chapel Prefect 1
Eme-Jane Abeo – Chapel Prefect 2
Vision Efremfon – Assembly Prefect;
all in a bid to nurture to greatness.
Click here to watch the swearing in ceremony